I work at a bakery part time that makes bread, cakes, donuts, and assorted pastries. My job requires me to be around food all the time, sell it, or clean up after it (scraping and washing fudge covered trays among other tasks). I've seen support telling others to treat themselves occasionally, but if I have anything while…
can anyone let me know what foods are considered to be extremely healthy, or "superfoods"? I tend to find one particular thing and eat a lot of it so I want to know what fruits, veggies, or other snacks will have the least negative effects if I do happen to overeat. I've heard some great things about Saskatoon berries and…
I'm a student using this app and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for food I could make in advance for school lunches. Right now, I'm taking lots of fruits and veggies but I'm looking to get some more protein. I also don't have access to a microwave.