gaining weight 1 pound at a time
I have been using this app for about 5 weeks now and have gained 4.5 pounds in that time frame. 90% of it being muslce with very little fat gain. Im not new to body building nor creating meal plans but since i have been eating cleaner, increased carbs and higher protein intake, the weight comes a lot more easily without…
need help, advice, support, words of encouragement?
Many of us have different goals and with these goals, dedication, discipline, determination and hard work are some of the key factors to get where we want to be. Many of us need to understand that this is a LIFE STYLE and it takes time and patience to reach our goals. Whether its losing weight or gaining it, you have to…
journey to adding 25lbs
So far in my new eating plan, workout and using MFP, i have been on pace to gain one pound a week, which has been muscle mass with very little fat gain. Eating 3200-3300 and 95% very clean eating has helped me along the way. Using MFP has helped me maintain a more balanced meal plan with proportioned meals and to help me…