Fat Acceptance and HAES
Recently, there has been a growing trend of women (and some men) adopting the Fat Acceptance movement and the HAES (Health at Every Size) movement. This movement has also become synonymous with 3rd wave Feminism. And with role models like plus-size model Tess Munster (founder of the #effyourbeautystandards hashtag) and…
Corny pick up lines
What pick up line would you use on the above poster? (assuming pick up lines still work haha)
Hi Everyone!
Hi, guys. I'm Erin. I'm happy to be in this community for 15 days now and I want to be friends with all of you! Don't be too shy to send me a friend request
Staying fit
I've never really had a problem with staying thin. I was raised on healthy, organic, and all-natural foods so even in college I have the same habits of choosing healthier foods. I can't stand being idle so even if I don't get to work out, I try to walk the long way to class and do 50+ squats a day. I've been on Depo birth…
How many calories do you generally consume in one day?
I'm 5'9 and 114 lbs. with a BMI of 16.8. Technically, that is considered underweight. I've always been thin and I figured I just was one of those people who could eat anything without gaining weight. Then I realized I'm not actually eating as much as I thought and I did not process all the calories I burn from working out.…