Daylight savings time change has me slackin in the gym this week. Cold and rainy days are not helping. I need some winter tips to keep me frosty. Suggestions?
Need some ideas for low carb, low fat snacks to munch on during the weekends. I can only eat so many raw veggies before I go insane.
Wondering when the best time of the day go take whey. I hit up the gym after work around 5 after sitting in a cube all day. Does it even make a difference? Thanks, Russ
Hey all this is my 2nd attempt using this app. After about a month I became lazy over the holidays. Looking down at the scale I wish I'd not done that now haha! So here I am getting ready for summer. I work out 6 days a week but I'm in need of constant motivation. Please add for support or to share recipies. Thanks, Russ