My husband asked me today what I would want for Valentine's Day and my birthday. I told him since they are a close together I really wanted a stationary bike. I have wanted one for a while and just keep putting it off for various reasons. He told me to pick out the one I wanted and now I am stuck between do I get one that…
If you had to choose one which would it be? Which one is better for you (ie. lower cal, fat, carb) I have 5 children in the house and a husband who is a meat and potatoes (and rice) person.. They all have to have some sort of bread with a meal which i can do without the bread but i do have a hard time with letting the…
I have a quick question.. I bought one of the Marie Osmond body gym deluxe exercise things from QVC and it walks you through the steps on how to do them and how long it takes to do the short workout but doesn't give you calories burned doing them.. it is basically a bar with a resistance band on it that you can change…