I'm overweight due to a diet with too few calories, but all junk food content. If I am eating healthily, should I stop when I am full at 1000-1200 calories or push in another snack like pb and banana on rivitas for those extra calories??
Last autumn I had my breakdown and spent this winter letting my depression get the best of me. 20 years old as of Monday, I realized that at 9st5 I am not only slightly round (only 5ft), but also classed as overweight. In fact, I have only this week bought a scale because for once in my life I know for a fact that all I've…
I know it should be obvious, but I've been depressed this winter and spent most of my time doing very little so I'd like a few tips? I'm used to going for long walks (1 or 2 miles) at night with insomnia, but I'm looking for something which may help me get fitter over time? I only have 1 setback which is a bad knee meaning…