What is the deal with the so called low sodium foods. I have looked on the labels and there really is not much of a difference. Same with the whole grain foods. Sure there are a few extra vitamins and nutrients but the calories and the salt are much the same. Does anyone else think that this is odd?
I had an interesting question.I am Catholic and have been trying to maintain the Lenten fasting that was the traditional fasting before Vatican council 2. I know Catholics are not the only religion that has days of fasting. If I am not mistaken don't Jews and Muslims also have days for fasting days like Ramadan and Yom…
I think I am an emotional eater. I keep going over my calorie limits. Each night I keep snaking on fast food and then feel like quitting this whole diet thing. I didn't even exercise either. How do you deal with your set backs? Do you give up or just keep trying.
We have 9 kids and my husband helps to cook on Sundays after church. And I love him for that. But if I give suggestions on how to make it healthier he get insulted. Can I just estimate the amount of calories. I don't want to discourage him from helping
What do you do when your spouse, who was once into weight lifting and running, brings home junk food.