Recently got back into lifting this past month, after about a month I strained my pectoralis minor. Not sure how because I thought I had warmed up properly and used proper technique. Days later the soreness became tight/painful. Maybe I overtrained. Has anyone had this, how long did it take to heal and what measures were…
Where is all my Oregonian people at?!
Id like to get people's opinions about what diet they feel best on or what success they've had using either the paleo or plant based diet specifically. I'd rather this not be a debate but just positive people's insight. I'm a healthy individual and know the basics of nutrition but thought it wouldn't hurt to expand my mind…
I feel like my chest doesn't grow like my other muscles to the degree I want it to. I have to work 2x as hard to get even remotely any results compared to other body parts. I eat clean and do standard exercises like incline, decline, flat dumbbell press, pullovers, flyes, etc. Has anyone transformed their chest and has…