ISO of accountabilabuddies! need to lose 80lbs and looking for others in the same boat.
I didn't have a baby or anything like that. I'm just fat. Just bad genes and a desk job in office where I sit on my *kitten* most of the day surrounded by old ladies who love to feed me baked goods and pastries constantly. The only time I was ever successful at losing weight was when I had someone by my side doing it with…
Herniated disc?
I have been suffering from a herniated disc in my low back for over 9 months now. Finally after physical therap (which made it worse), a chiropractor (who also made it even more worse), and orthopedic specialist, and a neurosurgeon my instance has finally approved some shots which I get in about 3 weeks. My question is for…
Natural cleanses/flushes?
Hello, I am having quite an issue with my stomach not moving things along the way it's suppose to. This has been a comic issue for quite some time in my life but lately due to some medications it's very bad. Laxatives make me very sick and don't always fully work so I am looking for a more natural approach. In my case…
Looking for local people to add to my friends list. Always looking friends in the area help keep up on local fitness activities and healthy things in the area. Please feel free to add me
Yoga for beginners on YouTube?
I was looking for recommendations on a good gentle yoga for beginners on you tube or somewhere I can stream it. I do have sciatic problems so intense workouts are not ideal to start. Thank you. Also feel free to add me
Weight Watchers?
Thinking about joining. Any opinions/insights? Good and bad both appreciated
Low carb/Atkins friendly dinners?
I have the recipes from Atkins and few other places but I'm always searching for new yummy low carb ideas. If you have any favorites you've made or found please share :)
Xbox one kinect games?
Now that's it's cold outside in my area for winter I don't leave my house unless I absolutely have to (yes I'm a little b*tch like that, I don't like being cold lol) so I was hoping for some recommendations on some good games for the Xbox one kinect for a good burn at home! I have Zumba but I'm looking for something not…
Atkins recipes?!
I've started the Atkins diet about 3 wks ago and so far so good. I know 8 lbs down isn't much but I own that *kitten* :) .. I was looking for some tasty low/no carb dinner recipes.
I've been doing some pretty extensive research on probiotics lately and was just wondering if I could get some real reviews and not just random web reviews. I have pretty extensive digestive issues, have been very sluggish feeling and have hit a rut in fitness/health goals for a while now and wanted to know if the right…
new to the office lunch life
I have recently began a job working in an office. It is my first office job. Everything until now how been physical labor so I already feel at risk not running around all day like Im use to so as part of an attempt to adjust to the life style change I need some healthy low cal but filling lunch ideas. Salads get old after…
Ladies, shark week munchies?!!
Around "shark week" I get a serious sweet tooth and tend to get cravings for things that are crap. Like fried foods and sweets. What are some of things you ladies do to curb the shark week munchies.
The healthiest alcohol? the ultimate oxymoron!! l
What's everyone's favorite low cal beverage? After a day like today I could use a few drinks but I don't want to sabotage my diet.
anxiety at the gym
I find it easier to put more into a workout when I have a friend to go to the gym with. But most often I have no one to go with me and I get anxiety at the gym and never give my workout a 100% and cut to short. Any suggestion on my fear of the gym?
50+ lbs to fat with a crazy life
I have a crazy schedule with school, 2 jobs and trying to help take care of my grandfather in law. My schedule is all over the place as well as my diet and exercise. I try to balance it all but when I do manage find time for me I tend to lose motivation to do... Well.. Anything since that time it's so small and far and he…