Help me out for school
Take this survey about body image. All answers are anonymous. Takes about two minutes http://10.selectsurvey.net/elmhurst/TakeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=l6LL757M&Preview=true
Body Image
Since most of you guys on here are on here trying to better your body I was wondering if you could fill out a survey on body image for my social research class. All answers are anonymous. Only takes couple minutes http://10.selectsurvey.net/elmhurst/TakeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=l6LL757M&Preview=true
Body image
Hey guys so I was wondering if you could fill out this survey for my social research class about body image. Only takes a few minutes http://10.selectsurvey.net/elmhurst/TakeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=l6LL757M&Preview=true
Not losing weight
I've been on a diet since April and lost about twenty pounds but I have been stuck on the same weight since August 27. I have not changed anything on my diet. I even did a refeed day and still no progress.
Protein that taste like juice?
Anybody try any powders that taste like and is thin like a juice? Something similar to a preworkout or bcaa flavor? I've tried many types of protein like strawberry and banana. I don't mind drinking chocolate protein but sometimes I wish I was drinking something thinner like lemonade as a protein drink
Struggling to eat
Hey guys I've been on a diet for almost two months. Weighed in at 178 today, started at 189 at beginning of this cut. I never had a problem with eating but lately I've been getting full fast and not wanting to eat. This past week I've only ate about 1200 calories daily bc simply I do not have energy or craving to eat more.…
Temporary lower calories
Beem doing real good on my weight loss almost 45 days in and dropped from 189.8-180.3. But its finals week so I won't be as active. Usually I work out 4 days a week. Probably won't have time to hit the gym till Friday, which will be one week since last time I hit the gym. Only reason I ask should I lower my calories bc I…
anybody know what to drink when you feel tired in the morning? I gave up drinking coffee on my diet bc I like my coffee super sweet and with lots of cream. I tried doing black coffee but it taste horrible to me