Creepy selfies
I want to see you. Yes all of you weird and beautiful and creepy people. I know you're out there. Calling @thepetrovafire, @salembambi, you got this girls, calling @number33x arise my lovely. Yes filter. Yes edit. Yes to Halloween makeup. Yes those old pics from 5 Halloweens ago. Yes your creepiest childhood photo. NO…
Products for firmer skin?
So, I've lost 28kg / almost 62lbs in a bit more than a year... Being 37 years old, I'm considering myself pretty fortunate to not have huge problems with loose skin. However, what's bugging me is the skin on my neck :neutral: It's really soft and feels kind of loose, and if I turn my head in a certain way it looks kind of…
Is everyone around here horny 24/7?
I mean I'm not judging, I'm asking... Pick one! 1) Yes. 2) No. 3) I'm just bored/sad/lonely. 4) Canada. 5) I'm a unicorn.
Sense8, anyone?
I can't be the only one totally hooked on that brilliant piece of entertainment... Any thoughts?
Funny/motivational/cool music videos with a sports theme!
I found this gem and sharing is caring you know... :smiley: Get your sexy on today, people! https://youtu.be/MFhyrL6PxhY
Myers-Briggs Personality Type
A bit more serious question: Has anyone of you taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Type test? If yes, which one are you, and how do you think it demonstrates in how you approach your health and fitness goals? You can take the test and see the different types here: http://www.16personalities.com/personality-types It's free,…
What I wanted to say to myself...
I originally posted this on my wall, but some of my friends thought there might be something for others there as well. I guess my main point with this is that you have to love yourself to do good things for yourself. Don't hate your body. Don't say bad things about it. Do everything you can to take better care of it FROM…
Friend a stranger from a strange land?
Hi all... So. I'm from Finland. Let that not discourage you. We're not the scary vikings, we're their forest-dwelling neighbors. I'm a mom, I'm a (folk)metalhead, I'm a horseback rider. I dance and play computer games. I'm overweight, but that's about to change. I started from 232lbs/105.5kg in March, now down to…