Your hardest food to give up?
What had been your hardest food to give up? Mine is ice cream. I didn't crave I've cream before starting the diet back up. But it's almost all I want to eat. What is something you did/used to help your cravings?
Favorite lchf blogs
Follow me on pinterest pinterest.com/lindseykytti I have keto board sorted by what I've made and if it was good or not. Some of my favorite recipe blogs right now are: I Breathe, I'm Hungry Caveman Keto The Nourished Caveman Ruled.me What are some of your favorites?
Keto diet with fm and multiple food allergies
I was 5'8 shrunk to 5'6 but I'm back to 5'7.5. I started losing weight at 225 and I'm down to 197. My goal is about 150. My Dr put me on a keto diet due to various health reasons. Then we did a food allergy test and the results floored me! I have since been roughly sticking to my diet and not eating anything on the allergy…
Losing weight with Fibro and food allergies
Looking for friends to add to share motivation and support. I have a hard time logging in everyday and am hoping if I can find people like me it will help