Keto diet with fm and multiple food allergies

I was 5'8 shrunk to 5'6 but I'm back to 5'7.5. I started losing weight at 225 and I'm down to 197. My goal is about 150.
My Dr put me on a keto diet due to various health reasons. Then we did a food allergy test and the results floored me! I have since been roughly sticking to my diet and not eating anything on the allergy list and the weight is just falling off.


  • all4koi
    all4koi Posts: 10 Member
    Wow thats awesome. I just started today and my brain is on overload with info. Never looked at my food this closely before :)
  • Daxamites
    Daxamites Posts: 8 Member
    edited August 2015
    Same boat here. I have a wheat and dairy allergy but never really cared much for it and put up with the constant bloating , nausea and sick stomach. came to a point where enough was enough and I started eliminating these things from my diet. I lost something stupid like 5kg in the first week all the water retention I was holding onto and continue to lose weight at a fairly rapid rate. The good thing about it tho is it's not a diet it's now my lifestyle so unless I be naughty this weight will stay off! It's amazing what just changing the foods in your diet can do for you!