Hi folks! I'm looking for a group of friends so that we can support each other to become healthier. My focus is not on weight, but on eating properly and getting exercise. I'm looking to create a network of the following: Friendly folks who might be quirky (quirky welcome here!) Crafty people particularly welcome! If you…
So, I've been working hard since April to eat a more healthy and lower calorie diet (no more grazing on cookies!), and have been getting regular physical activity - almost daily. I aim for 11,000 steps per day on my Fitbit, and am jogging 2+ times a week. I bike at least once a week, and swim a few times (leisure, not…
Hey all! I need some expert advice. I'm getting exercise everyday (yay me!). I'm wondering if I am doing it in the most effective way. So far, I have been walking for 30 minutes at lunch, and then 30 minutes on the treadmill at night, at speed intervals (6*5 minutes, walk, light jog, walk, light jog, hard jog, repeat). I'm…