getting started AGAIN
Im starting my weight loss journey again so far I lost 3 lbs in one week I started going to the gym n I eat healthy I need friends people to motivate me. 2016 has to be my yr I success. Add me be part of my journey.
need to lose around 150... help.
Hi my name is jackie I've been on a diet eating healthy I do some cardio and walk aloooot. Drink plenty of water and drink green teas. I started my diet on april and so far had lost 14 lbs is there anything else I can do to help me?
need to lose around 150... help.
Hi my name is jackie I've been on a diet eating healthy I do some cardio and walk aloooot. Drink plenty of water and drink green teas. I started my diet on april and so far had lost 14 lbs is there anything else I can do to help me?
is it ok to shower with cold water right after a work out????
Can i shower with cold water right after work out???
aound how much do you lose a week..
Do you see results every time you weight yourself. I just started my diet and im not sure I started eating good go for walks and dont eat after 7pm and lost 5 lbs in one week. I guess my question is if I keep it up will I see results faster or about the same.?.
hey I just started my diet of eating healthy any advise is welcome.
Hi well my name is jackie and im from California and im trying to lose weight I honestly dont feel right with myself any advise people..