aound how much do you lose a week..

Do you see results every time you weight yourself. I just started my diet and im not sure I started eating good go for walks and dont eat after 7pm and lost 5 lbs in one week. I guess my question is if I keep it up will I see results faster or about the same.?.


  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    My results if you average them are about 2.27 lbs per week over 11 weeks but weight loss isn't a straight line. Some weeks nothing, some weeks a little bit, some weeks a big loss.
  • mart001
    mart001 Posts: 194 Member
    This will give you an idea of my experience over 2 years... good luck to you!!!

  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    By the way:

    1. It doesn't matter when you eat. That is a myth

    2. Your 1st week of loss is often a bit more than you will have because of initial water weight loss.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    everytime I weigh, no. I weigh daily so I get to see all the little fluctuations that happen. Some weeks, I'll drop a nice chunk of weight and then some weeks there is absolutely no loss or even a gain.


    Keep in mind the recommended safe levels for weight loss are 1-2lbs per week. Some who are morbidly obese can lose faster, but it won't be a steady thing. Eventually weight loss slows down.

  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Weekly weight loss depends entirely on the person, i.e. how much they have to lose - you’re comparing apples to oranges without asking (or mentioning) that. I wouldn’t use anyone else’s results as an indicator of anything other than the effectiveness of tracking calories using MFP. As long as you’re reaching *your* goals, you’re looking good.

    As ^ said, weight loss is not linear. Big weekly losses usually indicate water weight (I just lost 5lbs of pure bloat in 3 days). That being said, I aim for about .8lb/week, as I’m around 10lbs from my goal weight.
  • low_carb_debbie
    low_carb_debbie Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2015
    I weigh myself everyday out of interest and track it. I don't worry if it fluctuates though. One of the best tips I got was to look at the average weight loss over a period of time. Once I did that I could see I was losing on average 10 Ibs a month - that is what keeps me on track rather than the daily reading! If I've gained a little I don't worry at all. I just decide to keep going with my plan. I find this helpful when I have a dinner date or an occasion to go to that involves food. I just eat what I want until I'm naturally full, try to make good choices from the menu if I can, enjoy myself and don't worry about my weight the next day. Less pressure that way. Good luck with your journey!
  • jackiebodart
    jackiebodart Posts: 17 Member
    Ok good so its ok to see different its my first time dieting I thought I was supposed losse weight every week..
  • jackiebodart
    jackiebodart Posts: 17 Member
    I can kinda say im starting my weight loss journey and im sooo confident I know I can do it
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I lose between 0.5-2 pounds a week. There have been a very few amount of times where I have lost three, but I think it was only because I was retaining water from the week before. Now that I am closer to my goal weight I don't really lose more than 1 pound a week.
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    My average is about 0.8kg/week. Been that way for almost 6 months now.
  • jackiebodart
    jackiebodart Posts: 17 Member
    Ok I have a question if a person weight aloot are chances higher to lose more weight?
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Ok I have a question if a person weight aloot are chances higher to lose more weight?

    Yes, the more overweight someone is, the quicker they will lose. It will obviously slow down when you get closer to goal weight. Morbidly obese people can probably manage 3lbs a week safely but this will decrease to two then one then 0.5 as they get lighter :smile:
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm averaging 1-1.5# a week, though I have not seen a loss since April 11.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    2 pounds a week on average.

    sometimes nothing
    sometimes 3 pounds
    sometimes a small gain
    sometimes .5 pounds

    im down 34 pounds since jan...
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Do you see results every time you weight yourself. I just started my diet and im not sure I started eating good go for walks and dont eat after 7pm and lost 5 lbs in one week. I guess my question is if I keep it up will I see results faster or about the same.?.

    Faster or the same as what? Your weight loss depends on your calorie deficit. Don't expect to lose 5 pounds per week unless you are held captive, chained to a post and being unfed by your captors.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited May 2015



    Edited to replace values with graphs.
    Safe rate of loss depends on your availability of excess fat.
    While "obese" individuals may be able to safely tolerate losses in the 1.5% range, 1% to 0.5% is considered safer. People in the normal weight range may be better off not exceeding 0.7%.

    Each lb (453.6g) of fat corresponds to a deficit of about 3500Cal; but loss doesn't necessarily happen like clockwork, and is often masked by changes in your non-fat mass (for example water retention)

    If you get discouraged by daily weight fluctuations I strongly urge you to use a "trend' app. Examples are (allows for csv input) and
    I use both :smile:
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    I have mfp set to lose .5 lb a week. I've been losing about .8 lbs a week though. Sometimes more sometimes less. I only have 13lbs until my goal and these are all vanity pounds. I'm at a healthy weight for my height.
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    Do you see results every time you weight yourself. I just started my diet and im not sure I started eating good go for walks and dont eat after 7pm and lost 5 lbs in one week. I guess my question is if I keep it up will I see results faster or about the same.?.

    Faster or the same as what? Your weight loss depends on your calorie deficit. Don't expect to lose 5 pounds per week unless you are held captive, chained to a post and being unfed by your captors.

    Wait, I can lose 5 lbs a week on that "captive in chains" program??? Where do I sign up?!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Ok I have a question if a person weight aloot are chances higher to lose more weight?

    Yes, initially.
    Additionally, it doesn't matter when you eat, its about how much you eat. Eat at a reasonable deficit and you'll lose weight.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    At first I lost 2 lbs, then 1, then it just went haywire, then it stopped because I was hangry and I quit.