What do you think of bullet proof coffee? What's your recipe? I crave sweet sweet coffee, black is a no go for me. But I have 4 kids, a husband and a ranch to run so I need coffee!! H E L P :p
Started a keto (atkins) 5 days ago and Ive lost 4.4 pounds!! Ketone stick was second to last purple this am, this is really working!! I remember back in my mid 20s i was bar tending and and ate a prime rib steak everynight and drank green tea like it was going out of style. I was 120 pounds and a size zero after 3 kids…
Has anyone had success with a ketogenic diet? I'm new to this. Once I hit 30 my metabolism tanked, then add a pregnancy and here I am 50-60 pound over weight. H e l p!!