Hey there! So after about 5 years of trying to figure out what I truly want from myself...I'VE COME TO A DECISION!! Now I know that calories do count and they're important but I feel that nutrition is more important more than anything. I also have finally gotten it in my head that muscle weighs more than fat and I like the…
So I found this awesome recipe online that helps replace ice cream cravings. Basically you freeze a bunch of chopped bananas then blend it with some vanilla extract and a choice of your flavor, in this case I use my Peanut Butter Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams, and it tastes delicious. The thing I'm worried about is if its too…
So I had some really awesome discussions with the people on my last convo and I appreciated them all. But I think I should update on how I'm feeling now: First of all, I am most certainly positive that I am not pregnant and that I do not have a thyroid problem. I'm on my period right now as a matter of fact (I'm sorry if…
So I don't want to make this seem annoying. I just need to rant really because I just keep thinking about it over and over again, so I guess it's just better to get it out there. So here it is: This past winter I lost about 5-8lbs making my weight at about 137lbs and I am 5'3 tall. My goal weight is 126lbs. That's all I've…
Does anyone else do really great for a good week to two weeks then find themselves purging? I've found myself do this so many times. I'll lose about 2-3 lbs in one week then gain it all back in 2 days. I hate myself every single time I do this and sometimes I just laugh at how silly it is. I keep telling myself its because…
Today I tried completing my entry but it wouldn't show up in my feed. It said my calories were under the goal, but only by 103 cals. I'm not hungry anymore and does it really make a difference if I eat 103 more calories?? Will this effect my progress or will it eventually just complete it for me so that I can continue…