Starting weights: How to lift and how much to lift...
I've recently decided to switch from using the gym for cardio (for weight loss*) to supplementing cardio with weights. I've been lifting 2-4 times a week (depending on time and health) for about 5 weeks based on a plan that one of the trainer's at the gym set out for me (3 separate workout that I am supposed to cycle…
Logging when dining out
I really struggle logging food that's eaten outside of the home - whether it's a coffee, a salad sandwich or a pasta dish - I have no reliable or predictable way of logging the calorific content of the food. I quickly become frustrated and either (a) stop tracking or (b) stop going out. Both of these make me incredibly…
GCC 2016
AS the GCC for 2016 starts in under 24 hours, I was curious if there are many MFP'ers participating. There are about 21 from my office participating. So, my goal is to be number 1 for my office. Should mean about 16,000 steps a day, assuming no injuries, I should be able to do that easily. Best of luck to any others who…
Frustration - this is where i feel like giving up
I've had a cold for 2 weeks and, accordingly, I've not been going to the gym, not been doing anything more intense than a walk from the station to my office. This happens and I'm sure that I'll return to the gym again when I'm breathing easy. But the thing that makes me lose my mind is the scales. I stepped on those…
Help with History
Is there an easy way of wiping one's history? I don't mean changing my name and moving to Texas, but deleting my food/exercise entries in MFP so that I can start again without the baggage I see every time I log in.
Getting back to exercise, battling anxiety
Ahh, the joys of trying to get back to a reasonable level of fitness when an anxiety disorder leaves you fearing that you're going to have a heart attack and die any time you exercise. Largely it doesn't stop me training, but it does significantly reduce the intensity of my training and results in an anxious day after a…
Not exactly new...
A returning participant. After losing 30kgs and then falling off the wagon, I've decided it's time to give it another crack. To be fair I have only gained back about 8kgs, but that's still far too much and I want to lost at least 9 from where I am now - 15 would be better. But I am in my 30's and it's not as easy to lose…