Dunkin Donuts 'extra milk'
Hi- I have been scouring the internet and can't find an answer! If you order a medium iced Dunkin Donuts coffee and order ''extra milk" - what amount of milk is that? I want to log it, but can't find the measurement for the extra milk anywhere. If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it!
Running with turned out foot
Hi- I've recently started running. I've always (for as long as I can remember) walked with one of my feet turned slightly out, not sure what the underlying cause of this is. Similarly, I also run with an out turned foot. I never am sore on my knee or foot on that leg, but I do sometimes wear a knee brace just in case,…
Breathing pattern for beginners
Hi- I'm a newbie runner after surviving cancer a few years ago. I am currently following the couch to 5k training plan. The hardest part for me is breathing- I can't seem to push past a few minutes of running without needing to walk to catch my breath. It's holding back my progress. I am wondering if anyone has any good…