You won't regret it I promise...
I see in my newsfeed that a lot of people have joined this challenge and it seems really good but I don't seem to be able to join?
At the moment I am finding that I keep lacking motivation to restrain myself so if anyone has some good quotes please share.
I have recently read a few articles about how certain exercises can help burn muscle mass in your legs. The article I read said that extended periods of cardio such as long distance running can burn muscle protein if you have been fasting and there is no calories to use as energy. Is this true?
Just wondering, does it particularly affect weight loss/metabolism depending on which meal is large compared to the others? I also heard something about breakfast being important to kick start the metabolism and it will keep burning fat throughout the day? I usually eat a small breakfast and then one snack (eg a piece of…
Hey I am a dancer looking to get smaller thigh and calf sizes so if anyone has good ways to reduce fat/muscle bulkiness in legs that would be really appreciated!
Hi I am a dancer with strong legs but I'm looking to make them slimmer. I already have quite big muscles so I don't want them to get bigger I just want to lose the fat and maybe a but of muscle. If anyone has good tips to help with this I'd really appreciate it!