For people that were yo-yo dieters that have lost weight- what was it that changed that meant you lost the weight? How did you move past yo-yo dieting? What was it about the last time that made it stick? Thanks in advance!
I realise that I need to loose weight for my own health and happiness and I know I'm prone to comfort/binge eating. One of my big triggers is family- there are times when my mum will look at me full of disappointment because I'm fat and it really causes me to go off the rails and eat loads. Any ideas how to approach/talk…
Hi all! Just beginning my weight loss journey (again) and have some ways to go. Overall, I think I eat fairly healthily at meal times and enjoy exercising but my Achilles heel has always been bingeing. This generally happens when I'm stressed/exam season/unhappy with life- I really feel like this is going to be something…