Belly Fat Blues
Been up and down on my calorie counts and excercise; im not paticularly worried about weight loss more about the belly fat/gut...anyone have any tips tricks to share that they learned that i can try???
metabolism trick?
anybody have a good way to raise metabolism? I heard it is critical to weightloss, I personally have been working out for about 3 weeks doing 45 mins of cardio(about 350 calories burned) and also eating below or at calorie amount but have not seen a visual change
Besides Salads
I was wondering what are some good lunch ideas besides salads? when you eat them for lunch 5 days a week they tend to get a bit stiff and boring....
ab workout; how many days a week
I have recently been getting my calorie count in check and also running 3/4 times a week...I was wondering how many days a week should I work in ab workouts to see some results will dropping lbs? any suggestions or successful tips will be appreciated
Fastfood Desires
how do you guys fight the urge of getting a fat burger and fries? I know i can get a salad but its a lot easier said than done
Too few calories?
today is day 2 for me, i tried to make sure i stayed at my limit but ended up having 500 calories remaining My question is that ok? Or would this have a reverse effect on my weight loss journey
what is the best kind to drink when you are watching your calorie intake???
Beginners Workout: No Gym
i just started my journey to lose 20lbs I came up with this workout to do 3 days a week that does not require me to go to a gym. What do you all think? Questions, comments, concerns please 20-15-10 Circuit 20 crunches 15 squats 10 push ups 20 jumpin jacks 15 bicycle kicks 10 standstill lounges 20 planks 15 six inches 10…
Hello Everybody
hey everybody! My name is Princeton and im trying to lose 15-20lbs this summer. I suck at dieting, i love drinking sodas and eating late; most of my day i am at work on a computer, nothing but fast food around to eat for lunch. Please add me and share any tips or tricks you have that you think will help me reach my goal