Moms...What exersizes do you do?
I have a 6 month old daughter. I ride my stationary bike after I get her to bed at night. I've also started to take her on walks around 6-7 at night when it's cooler. I'd like to start doing stuff other than cardio but idk where to start/what to do... My main issue is the "baby pooch" left from having her. I also have some…
Recipes with ground Italian sausage
I know it's not necessarily healthy but it's one of the few things in the fridge til payday lol. Googling all I found was casserole type stuff
Sunny stationary bike
Does anyone know how to switch it from kilometers to miles. My nephew snuck in my room when he was over the other day and switched it. I have no clue how to change it back. And he doesn't talk yet so can't ask him
unpasteurized honey vs pasteurized
I accidentally got the unpasteurized type today...is it safe? Do you have to warm it or anything. Lol I'm paranoid when It comes to food.
Does Apple cider vinegar actually help?
I've seen stuff on Facebook saying if you drink water with apple cider vinegar, lemon and honey it aids in weight loss by upping your metabolism. I mean, I know that if you just eat whatever and don't workout but drink the stuff it's obviously not going to help. And I know that if you diet and exercise, you will lose…
Dry mouth and bruises since starting
I constantly have a dry mouth and weird taste in it no matter how much I brush and have bruises head to toe since I started dieting and excersizing about 5 weeks ago. Why? Am I not getting enough of something? Would vitamins help?
Anybody else here a mom trying to get rid of that awful little deflated belly saggy pooch thing left from having your baby? I have a 6 month old daughter. I just started dieting/excersizing about a month ago, I've lost 10 lbs I'm 20, 5'0, currently 119 lbs and goal weight is pre pregnancy weight which was 105. If I could…
Anybody else here a mom trying to get rid of that awful little deflated belly saggy pooch thing left from having your baby? I have a 6 month old daughter. I just started dieting/excersizing about a month ago, I've lost 10 lbs I'm 20, 5'0, currently 119 lbs and goal weight is pre pregnancy weight which was 105. If I could…
How bad is chocolate milk?
This is the one thing I can't get rid of. I've been dieting and excersizing for about a month and I've lost 10 lbs. about once a week, for breakfast I will have a sparkmans chocolate milk. There are 2 servings in one bottle, I think it's like 420 calls in the whole thing :s I know I should only drink the serving, instead…
10 lbs gone but *before/after
10 lbs gone in about a month and I look exactly the same... It's really making me depressed. Before I had my daughter I was really thin... Only 100-105 lbs...And now after I had her (6 months ago) my stomach has so much fat on it it's ridiculous. I weigh 119 right now and was 129. I drink nothing but water, eat healthy,…