For as long as I can remember I've always been a big guy. The last time I can remember being the same weight as I am now I was 16 years old. In fact, I probably weight a little less now than I did when I was 16. Now, it doesn't end there. At 14st I feel as though I have more energy, my clothes fit better and, really, I…
I've used for a while, on and off, with my most recent stint seeing me drop 3.5 stone over the last six months. However, family and friends are starting to imply I've become obsessed with counting calories. Obviously, I need to count them in order to make sure I'm staying on track, but I also don't want to…
I've been using MyFitnessPal for the last year or so after stepping on the scales one morning and seeing I'd hit 19st 6lb. Before then the most I'd ever weighed was 18st, and at that point I joined WW and shed 3st. However, like with all diets I've ever attempted, it all piled back on. In the last year or so I've lost just…