Obsessed with Counting Calories

neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
edited December 2017 in Food and Nutrition
I've used MyFitnessPal.com for a while, on and off, with my most recent stint seeing me drop 3.5 stone over the last six months. However, family and friends are starting to imply I've become obsessed with counting calories.

Obviously, I need to count them in order to make sure I'm staying on track, but I also don't want to let calorie counting consume me. For example: If I can't find the nutritional information for something, a majority of the time I won't eat it.

What do people do when you can't find the information on something, do you put it down and walk away, or do you just accept it's not going to be 100% right all the time and just enjoy it - even though the difference could be 10-100 calories difference in some cases.


  • neiltillbrook
    neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
    edited December 2017
    @janejellyroll: I don't think I'm obsessed, and I'll occasionally estimate the calories of something, but it tends to play in the back of my mind how close I was to the right value. I know a value isn't right all of the time, and even the values on packets average out over time, but I feel as though I have a figure to stick to and I should stick to it as close as possible.

    I won't be counting for the rest of my life either, so I should be more lenient; I guess allowing myself to have a couple of weeks off of tracking over Christmas has made me think sternly about counting again.

    @cmriverside: I know what you mean when it comes to discussing it, haha. I don't tend to say much to other people, but when someone mentions to topic of calorie counting and how they've done it before it's hard to get me to shut up.
  • neiltillbrook
    neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
    edited December 2017
    @cmriverside Like most people I've tried several diets, but calorie counting is the only thing that's ever really worked for me, too. See, I've never really prepared my own foods that aren't either a ready meal or frozen things that I can throw in the oven. I know that's because they've nutritional information on and at least that way I know what I'm eating is the right information.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @janejellyroll: I don't think I'm obsessed, and I'll occasionally estimate the calories of something, but it tends to play in the back of my mind how close I was to the right value. I know a value isn't right all of the time, and even the values on packets average out over time, but I feel as though I have a figure to stick to and I should stick to it as close as possible.

    I won't be counting for the rest of my life either, so I should be more lenient; I guess allowing myself to have a couple of weeks off of tracking over Christmas has made me think sternly about counting again.

    @cmriverside: I know what you mean when it comes to discussing it, haha. I don't tend to say much to other people, but when someone mentions to topic of calorie counting and how they've done it before it's hard to get me to shut up.

    As much as you can tell about a stranger on the internet from a couple of posts, it doesn't sound like you have a problem. It sounds like you have a method that works for you. If you feel like you'd be happier letting go a bit more, practice it. Otherwise, why change what is working?
  • neiltillbrook
    neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
    @janejellyroll: Thanks, I appreciate that. Yeah, I'd say I'm fine with calorie counting, I guess I just wish I could be a bit more lenient with foods I can't find the exact details for. New Year's resolution perhaps? :lol:
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    If I can weigh it and guess at the percentage of carb, protein, and fat in it, I can calculate a good guess at a calorie value for it. 80% carb and protein * 4 oz is 112 * 4 * .8 which is 320 * 32 + 6, so the carb content of it is 326 calories, and if the other 20% is fat so another 112 * 9 * .2 which is 180 + 18 + 2, so another 200 calories and a total of 526 calories. That's in 4 ounces of a pastry. So, I'll have half that much.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Have you tried not logging for a couple of days?
  • neiltillbrook
    neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
    edited December 2017
    @TavistockToad: A few weeks ago I spent some time reading up on 'diet breaks'. I've been logging regularly for the last six months so decided a couple of weeks ago that I'd take a two week controlled break over Christmas.

    The first week I stuck to my TDEE minus 5% to stay in a slight deficit, however the second week over Christmas has been a free for all. I'll be going back to my normal routine as of 01/01/2018 (when the two weeks is over).

    I think my issue is with wanting to make sure the items I'm logging are exact, rather than the fact I'm logging.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've used MyFitnessPal.com for a while, on and off, with my most recent stint seeing me drop 3.5 stone over the last six months. However, family and friends are starting to imply I've become obsessed with counting calories.

    Obviously, I need to count them in order to make sure I'm staying on track, but I also don't want to let calorie counting consume me. For example: If I can't find the nutritional information for something, a majority of the time I won't eat it.

    What do people do when you can't find the information on something, do you put it down and walk away, or do you just accept it's not going to be 100% right all the time and just enjoy it - even though the difference could be 10-100 calories difference in some cases.

    In my book, that (bolded) is being obsessive, so you may need to really work on that before it consumes your eating habits.

    As far as your question of what to do when I can't find the information on line or in the MFP database. I just eat less. I don't log or estimate the calories because know that it would not be accurate. Just increase exercise, don't eat all the exercise calories and/or carry a bigger deficit during the week to compensate for more caloric intake during the weekend.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    I've used MyFitnessPal.com for a while, on and off, with my most recent stint seeing me drop 3.5 stone over the last six months. However, family and friends are starting to imply I've become obsessed with counting calories.

    Obviously, I need to count them in order to make sure I'm staying on track, but I also don't want to let calorie counting consume me. For example: If I can't find the nutritional information for something, a majority of the time I won't eat it.

    What do people do when you can't find the information on something, do you put it down and walk away, or do you just accept it's not going to be 100% right all the time and just enjoy it - even though the difference could be 10-100 calories difference in some cases.

    In my book, that (bolded) is being obsessive, so you may need to really work on that before it consumes your eating habits.

    As far as your question of what to do when I can't find the information on line or in the MFP database. I just eat less. I don't log or estimate the calories because know that it would not be accurate. Just increase exercise, don't eat all the exercise calories and/or carry a bigger deficit during the week to compensate for more caloric intake during the weekend.

    Question: wouldn't you want to log *something* even as a placeholder value so it doesn't look like you're way under for the day in question? Your log is your log, obviously, but I like having something there at least. My estimate is still going to be more accurate than "0."
  • neiltillbrook
    neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
    @Gisel2015: I will occasionally have a meal that I haven't been able to calculate for definite, but I'll have that nagging doubt in the back of my mind as to whether or not I've been able to guestimate properly. You're right, though, I think it's something that I need to come to terms with.

    This is a lifestyle change, after all, and I haven't got a specific date that I need to have lost weight by. Having the odd item or meal where I haven't been able to be strict isn't the be all and end all. It's just something I'll need to work on.
  • Msfenae
    Msfenae Posts: 17 Member
    For me the logging helps me to be more conscious of what I am consuming. Sometimes I tend to think that oh its just a sandwich.. until I log it and say whoa wait.. this is a meal! It helps me to be alert and make wiser decisions. Not saying all the choices are healthy.. but being aware lets me know how to meal prep and also try new ideas of healthier eating choices.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    @TavistockToad: A few weeks ago I spent some time reading up on 'diet breaks'. I've been logging regularly for the last six months so decided a couple of weeks ago that I'd take a two week controlled break over Christmas.

    The first week I stuck to my TDEE minus 5% to stay in a slight deficit, however the second week over Christmas has been a free for all. I'll be going back to my normal routine as of 01/01/2018 (when the two weeks is over).

    I think my issue is with wanting to make sure the items I'm logging are exact, rather than the fact I'm logging.

    So Christmas week you didn't log?

    What happens if you're not accurate? If you weigh in at least weekly then you'll know if you've overestimated over time?
  • neiltillbrook
    neiltillbrook Posts: 26 Member
    @cmriverside: Yeah, I remember reading and seeing on some programs that the information on packages can legally be off to a certain degree, and that they average out over time. I weight things like cereal, frozen veg, and anything that can be portioned (chips, etc.) not slices of bread, ready meals or things already in a portion (chicken burger).

    I think that's the mentally I need to focus on. I need to accept that, though I weight a good 90%+ of the things I eat, that the details aren't always going to be accurate and day-to-day I'm likely to be a little up, then down.

    @TavistockToad: I logged in the first week, but I haven't since Christmas Day. In the first week I'd put on a couple of lbs, but I expected that to happen. On a regular week I might lose, or not, or put on a 1lb, so it varies from week to week, but all in all it's a steady decrease over the six months I've been logging this year.

    Before you say anything, I know that points to me doing all the right things, and I know I know that - it's just the niggling doubts in the back of my mind that stop me from focusing on it.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    @Gisel2015: I will occasionally have a meal that I haven't been able to calculate for definite, but I'll have that nagging doubt in the back of my mind as to whether or not I've been able to guestimate properly. You're right, though, I think it's something that I need to come to terms with.

    This is a lifestyle change, after all, and I haven't got a specific date that I need to have lost weight by. Having the odd item or meal where I haven't been able to be strict isn't the be all and end all. It's just something I'll need to work on.

    The thing is, no matter how accurate you think you're being, there are all kinds of inaccuracies built into the process of getting that nutritional info on the package. Calorie counting doesn't have to be 100%, or even 80%, accurate. You judge your accuracy by what you see when you weigh yourself over several weeks and adjust accordingly.

    While I think logging/counting can be a not-obsessive lifetime habit, I would say that the nagging doubt and the not ever eating foods you can't be accurate with could become problems over time.
    1. The doubt is unnecessary - judge how you're doing by your weight, and adjust if necessary, no biggie.
    2. Making smart choices to facilitate logging and reaching your goal is good. Depriving yourself of pleasurable or social experiences to ensure "accuracy" is not, at least in my opinion. Sometimes figuring out where that line is can be a challenge.
    3. The good news is that as you get more experience logging, it actually will make you better at estimating portion sizes and ingredients, so you can venture out more often with less risk.

    I've been logging for @ 3 years. I eat dinner at my parents twice a week and estimate what I log. I eat fast food once or twice a week and don't weigh it, just use the posted info. I use the food scale most of the time at home. I lost weight as expected.

    I normally agree with the fact that calorie counting is not a widely accepted or understood practice, so do what you need to do. But if a lot of people who know you well are concerned, I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand either. Are you seeing family and friends less often in an effort to avoid "guessing"? Do you talk about calories a lot? These are things you can work around while still logging well and maintaining a healthy weight :drinker:
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,151 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    I've used MyFitnessPal.com for a while, on and off, with my most recent stint seeing me drop 3.5 stone over the last six months. However, family and friends are starting to imply I've become obsessed with counting calories.

    Obviously, I need to count them in order to make sure I'm staying on track, but I also don't want to let calorie counting consume me. For example: If I can't find the nutritional information for something, a majority of the time I won't eat it.

    What do people do when you can't find the information on something, do you put it down and walk away, or do you just accept it's not going to be 100% right all the time and just enjoy it - even though the difference could be 10-100 calories difference in some cases.

    In my book, that (bolded) is being obsessive, so you may need to really work on that before it consumes your eating habits.

    As far as your question of what to do when I can't find the information on line or in the MFP database. I just eat less. I don't log or estimate the calories because know that it would not be accurate. Just increase exercise, don't eat all the exercise calories and/or carry a bigger deficit during the week to compensate for more caloric intake during the weekend.

    Question: wouldn't you want to log *something* even as a placeholder value so it doesn't look like you're way under for the day in question? Your log is your log, obviously, but I like having something there at least. My estimate is still going to be more accurate than "0."

    Nope! Since I am in maintenance estimates don't mean much to me. And honestly, I had the same approach before maintenance. I do write in the comment section of my food diary what I had and where I ate, but that is all. For the most part, I do know if I am under or over and as long as the scale and my clothes are good to me, I am fine with this approach.