Any thoughts on staying healthy while eating out? Avoid alcohol- check. No bread- check Anything else. Being an empty nester now my husband LOVES to eat out a lot. Killing my waist line.
Wish me luck! 164lbs at 5'6 . Hope to win the $1500. Just need to get to the gym each day.
Having such a hard time getting to the gym. Need a few friends to urge me out of bed and to invest in that hour each day. At 50, you can't fool around anymore.
i am on a 10 day shake, snack bar plan and am so full from the shakes I'm not getting enough calories. After 5 days, the scales have barely moved. I'm 49, post menopause, 5'6, 160lbs. What do I need to eat to get my metabolism cranking? Just not hungry. Loving the shakes, just thought I'd be losing weight like crazy.
Wondering if anyone has tried one of those liquid/ shake plans to jump start a little weight loss? The plan I bought is really filling but missing food.