I am wondering about multi-vitamins. There are too many out there and when you read the reviews they all have the same plus and minus remarks. Does anyone have a favorite multi-vitamin or know where I should look for assistance? Thank you
I have slowlllllly increased the amount of walking I am doing. I am now up to 25 minutes straight without pain or having to stop. My question comes now. The only time I am able to walk is between 5 & 6pm. When I am done walking I am not hungry. If I eat before I walk I feel sick to my tummy. If I were to drink a protein…
I was in a very serious car accident 2 years ago. It left me with nerve damage, pinched nerves, and messed up disks. To top it off I also have the beginning stages of Parkinsons and Ménière's disease. I can only walk maybe 15 minutes at a time and very slowly. The medications I was on while in the hospital and rehab added…