Best books for self help, related to eating disorders and exercise addiction?
I am a vegetarian and supplement my diet with protein shakes. I do low calorie high protein mixes and add volume with shaved ice. However with the colder weather I looking to experiment with warm or hot protein shakes. Does a anyone have some insight or advice to making shakes to help warm me up?
I am still on my road to recovery, it's been 5 years since hospitalization for my ED. I follow a plant based diet with a strong concentration in protein and rely heavily upon protein shakes. Maintaining an active lifestyle also helps. I use and still abide the gym but try to compensate with protein shakes after.
I am a vegetarian and rely heavily upon Greek yogurt and protein shakes. You can easily get 65g per day by these two foods alone. Many plant based foods such as nuts, beans, peas and grains have significant protein as well!