Don't beat YOURSELF up. I had this photo sent to me recently and thought it gave a very interesting point. A lot of people that come to me say that they've tried time and time again to lose weight, see minimal results and then give up. I empathise with this issue as I've been through it before myself. Everybody has set…
Make sure you make the most of the time you have for training. I see individuals aiming for fat loss and also trainers spending far too much time with their clients doing exercises that aren't going to benefit you as much as others will. A lot of people think doing bicep curls, crunches and tricep extensions is going to…
Six packs 200 sit ups a day aren't going to give you them. I've seen these challenges on websites getting people to do X amount of sit ups per day for a month. All this is going to give you is more size around your stomach and zero focus on the lower back muscles. Treat your abs like any other muscle, if you train them…