Sangsterr Member


  • I'm a secret harry Potter nerd :) I have added you too!
  • Thanks! Trying to be as motivating and informing as I can :)
  • Exactly, the majority of people I train are really restrained for time. I think it goes for most people, why wouldn't you want to make the most of your time in the gym/working out at home?
  • I'm not saying it's the primary source of fat loss, calorie deficits are. Having those exercises along with a calorie deficit is a highly effective way. It's not the holy grail of fat loss, but it's solid advice for people that don't know where to start.
  • I'm aiming this at people that have the perception that isolation exercises on small muscles is the best route for fat loss
  • Definitely, it's good to do exercises that focus purely on the core but I encourage full body movements, the benefits are almost endless
  • Hi Jessica nice to meet you, I understand what you're going through and its really not a nice feeling to be down about the way you look, its horrible! Feel free to add me if you want some support, motivation and advice :) im more than happy to be there for you! James
  • Hey! Nice to see you focused on losing 20lbs by the end of sept! If you want guidance and support drop me an add and a message :)
  • Go for a balance of 40c/30f/30p ratio, you don't need to starve yourself of carbs. Add me if you want any more guidance
  • Nice to know you're working towards a better you for your kids! Add me if you want any tips and support :)
  • Congrats so far on the 11 day streak! Keep it up and keep your motivation going and there'll be nothing that will get in your way
    in Hello! Comment by Sangsterr July 2015
  • As you've lost the weight your metabolism has also decreased so you need to lowerr your calorie intake, depending on what you're currently consuming its usually 100-200 calories less Bob
  • Don't forget this doesn't happen over night, it is gradual changes, you should take a picture of yourself right now and make yourself determined as possible to see how much you can change in two weeks time, take another picture and compare the differences, if this doesn't work start setting yourself small goals instead of…
  • Hello michaela, I've added you on here to help you with a few tips and help you a long on your journey :)
  • I really think you need to keep your mind busy, keep yourself occupied and set yourself some weekly goals, write down why you're setting yourself those goals and what you're going to do to achieve them. Having someone there to talk to to fall back on can be beneficial too. Long walks when you're feeling down really can…
  • Over hyped supplement sold be inexperienced "wellness coaches" - save your money and spend it on real food and get yourself long term sustainable results instead of this ridiculous product
  • Im offering a helping hand, any guidance i give on this website is completely free of charge, so less of the hate
  • You need to figure out what it is that you're exercising for. Drop me an add and send me a message and I'll help clear your head :)
    in Need help Comment by Sangsterr June 2015
  • If you're after some indepth advice on what you need to be doing then add me and message me on here and I'll give you some guidance. I'm an online coach and have a few hours free today to help some people :)
  • Have you ever looked into getting an online coach to help you with every step of the way? It makes reaching your goals a tonne less stressful and every question you could imagine that you need to ask gets answered. Add me on here and send me a message and I'll give you some guidance :)
  • It can be very difficult for people to know where to start, especially when the internet is full kof studies contradicting each other. It really can seem like a bottomless pit for people just starting out. There are many exercises out there that will benefit you on your journey. Add me on here and send me a message and…
  • Hi Lauren. Just read your post and noticed nobsody has relplied yet, it sounds like you're really struggling here. Add and message me and I'll give you a bit of guidance :)
  • Hello! I really hope you stick to it this time! Figure out exactly what stopped you the last couple of times and make sure that doesn't happen. You need to be quite strict on yourself here if you want to make sure you reach your goal. If you need some support and motivation then add and message me :)
  • Admitting the exact reasons why you want to lose the weight is definitely the best start. It's also really good that you know exactly how much you want to lose, now all you need to do is stay focused and keep motivated! If you need guidance on what you should be doing exercise and food wise then add and message me:)
  • The types of exercises you need to be doing are full body workouts, these really help increase your metabolism and reduce that weight. If you want a guideline on what you should be doing then add and message me :)
  • Hi Joshua, I help a lot of people get motivated for goals such as the ones you have. Add and message me and I'll give you some help
  • Having to lose weight for health reasons is a massive motivational factor but knowing what needs to be done each day and what to be doing food wise can get very confusing. Add and message me for more help :)
  • Hi Rosie,finding motivation sometimes can be hard. Think about why it is that you want to lose weight, write some points down and that should give you some clarity, if you need more help add and message me :)
  • Determination is definitely needed! Set yourself monthly goals of 6 - 8 lbs fat loss to help you get into the routine of things. Add and message me for more help :)
  • Hi Kate, you'll find a lot of positive people on here which is awesome! If you hit a plateau and need extra help then add me and message me, its my job to get people their dream body :)