
hey guys! Im just wondering has anyone fell off the wagon and gotten back on sucessfully ? Like i dont mean for a day or too i mean really really off. Over christmas i was taking it easy ect and pigging out and obviously i put in weight, but after christmas i couldnt get back onto it and today im still not back on properly. Id lost 2 stone in less than a year and now iv put nearly a stone of that back on. I still go to the gym and try to watch what im eating but im only have doing it. I cant find the motivation to get back on, i used to love it and now its a case where im like "oh il go later" and then so on. So im just wondering has anybody got any storys of how they got back on because i really need some inspiration or motivation. The whole point i started was to be atleast 10stone by this august for a wedding and my debs/prom.. Really starting to bum me out and i literally cant even look in a mirror without critizing myself .. TIA!


  • Sangsterr
    Sangsterr Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Lauren. Just read your post and noticed nobsody has relplied yet, it sounds like you're really struggling here. Add and message me and I'll give you a bit of guidance :)
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    edited June 2015
    I fell off the wagon twice in the past 8 years. I went from being 192.8 lbs to 150.0 lbs gained back up to 205.? lbs. Lost to 182.? gained to 211.9lbs and currently 200. There is no later. I'm currently loosing weight I've already lost twice because I wasn't bothered enough to continue the rules I had established for myself at the time. NEVER AGAIN. I am loosing it this time and I am sticking to my rules for the rest of my life. You need to learn not to criticize yourself. I challenged my way of thinking by keeping a diary and each day writing one thing I liked about myself until I no longer had a negative way of thinking. I did that separately of the weight loss. I actually look pretty small for a 200lb person except for my face I'm pretty sure I will look in the same in the mirror when I get down to 150lbs. I will be wearing smaller cloths but shape wise I didn't see a difference last time. I was very happy to be 150lbs but if i had been relying on a mirror I would have been miserable.