What is your favorite 'go to' vegetable and how is it prepared?
Who has a good go to snack for 100 calories or less? I keep eating 5-6 mini meals because if I eat 3 meals...then the 2 snacks aren't enough. UGH!
What is your 'go to' high protein meal?
Become one of this groups original members for a lifetime of happy and healthy eating! Goal: To remain positive on this healthy journey. I'm doing it...NOW!
Goal: to form a support group of up to 5 seriously committed women. Hi. My name is Jodi. I write in MyFitnessPal diary every day. I am struggling to lose weight and would like to connect with other active members. Would love to: 1 meet once a week online 2 write positive comments of encouragement 3 share some challenges…