How come my steps aint counting on here? They used to and my fitbit is working fine
Hi, just wondering if anyone on here is on slimfast? Is it working?
Hi, i have 50 days to lose about 20lb do we think this is possible? Ive tried every diet going since i was about 16 but i always fall off the wagon. Hints && tips welcomed
Hi, im pretty new to all this so looking for some advice. Im looking to start a low carb diet and off shopping in Aldi and asda today. Anything which is a must on the shopping list? ... 1.eggs 2.chicken 3.veggies 4. ... 5.
Hi, just joined tonight! I am hopefully looking for you guys to add me as a friend as i barely have any yet! Looking for people with open food diarys so i can get some fab ideas! Lots of low carb meals ect would be great!!Addd meee please
Does any one else suffer PCOS?? Tips of weightloss??
Hi, i have 50 days to lose about 20lb do we think this is possible? Ive tried every diet going since i was about 16 but i always fall off the wagon. Hints && tips welcomed. I am a health care assistant working 12 hour shifts with treats, cakes and yummy snacks offered all day long!!! Helllllp