I've just started doing the 5x5 lifting programme - squats,deadlifts, bent over row and bench press. Should you add extra calories on training days and if so how much?
I know it might not sound like much but since September I've been lifting weights 3 x 8 reps and monitoring my calories and macros. I started off around 2600 and slowly increased until last week I hit 3600 and hopefully that's my magic number. I was starting to think it was never going to happen but hopefully the slow…
September saw the start of my new life changing lifestyle. My plan is to gain lean muscle through lifting weights and healthy eating. I've been monitoring my calories and macros, and been increasing the calories when no increase has occurred on the weekly weigh in.My maintenance level should be 2800 for my body type (…
I'm 7 weeks into my training plan of building lean muscle mass (3x 8 reps) and have been following a healthy eating plan. I'M 5'9 and 154lb with 17%Body Fat. . Currently working on consuming 3100 calories with a 50/30/20 split on carbs protein and fat. So far I have increased the calories from 2800 to 3100 as there was no…