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Hey guys, just wondering if I am not the only one who is considering cheating on thanksgiving and just forgetting my macros for the day. Obviously I'll still get enough fat/carbs/protein but I am not going to worry about going over my cals because it's too hard to track with all the homemade stuff..
I am trying bulk and I am currently taking in 2,040 calories 140 protein 255 carbohydrates 68 fat I am 140 pounds an 5'5" 19 years old Does this seem pretty good? Also, what about for when I want to start cutting? What should it be then? I weight lift 5 times a week and I also work as a housekeeper so I am constantly on my…
Anyone know of some really good weight lifting songs? In need of a new playlist! Thanks!
Anyone in the military that can give me advice on what to do to be prepared for bootcamp?