Is anyone else doing the 30 Day Ab Routine? If so what day are you on? The furthest through I've gotten is to day 12 and I stopped because I passed out and my boyfriend convinced me I was being unsafe. I'm not better and starting it again. Just wondering if other people do/are doing it.
ok. So I know this isn't a weight loss success story like everybody else but it is my success in itself. I spent four years very depressed, self harmed a heck of a lot, attempted suicide, boarder line anorexic and then excelled to become very bulimic, passing out multiple times and lucky not to land in hospital (mainly…
im terrified. I can't bring myself to eat things but I'm hungry. I spat out my crackers and I'm just having a meltdown. I don't want to binge and purge again. I considered going up town to but I know is get a pie. I can't purge. It hurts my boyfriend and I can't do that to him. Seriously my mind is going a million miles a…
Hi. I've been on here before but couldn't stick to it. Now I'm determined to do it and would love to be 'friends' with others on here. I'm recovering from being sick and now need to get back in shape properly. But I can't do it alone.