The weekend are very hard for me as I am always at the pub I had 10 pints and a take away on Saturday night which has destroyed my hard work through the week. Any tips on what beer/ alcohol is lower in calories as I still enjoy having a drink. Any lower calorie food that could replace my take away ?
I am feeling Great at the moment. I haven't lost weight but my strength and fitness gains are amazing ! I don't have a goal weight I have a goal fitness level! Who else is feeling good ?
I am new to the site but not in setting realistic goals. I gained weight when I had an accident and I went from boxing/ weight training 5/6 times a week, to being in a wheel chair for 8 month, I still had the calorie intake with out the exercise. I learned how to walk again when I was 21 I am now 25. I have went from 21…