What is your dream cosplay then you hit your goal weight?
Just curious :p . Who knows you might find you have a weight loss buddy near by!
So sorry for the long absents. Especially right after making the group! I had a lot of deep personal problems arise in my life that took me away from my own weight loss journey. But now I am back and eager to get on track and help motivate and support! So let's all do our best! And again soooooo sorrrrrrrry lol
My life has been a total cluster lately. Found out at the beginning of the year about my husband of 11 years affair. I told him straight up your family or her. Needless to say by the title it's obvious what he chose. Just feeling in a very depressing place right now. Most days I am okay. Some not so much. And the scale has…
pretty self explanatory right? me personally currently on my in progress list is... akame ga kill jojo's bizarre adventures michiko and hatchin uta no prince sama revolution eyeshield 21 Nana in truth my on hold list is so much bigger :'( i'm a scatter brain like that though i start watching a show then i add another and…
My aunt came up for a visit last weekend and brought me up a big grocery bag full of fresh okra from her garden and I would like to make something healthier then just tried okra with it.
you know for all the time i've had a profile on this sight i never really came around the message boards at all and maybe that's whats been my down fall in staying consistent on this site. i mean after all if i was more social maybe i would want to be on here more? either way i've just always found it hard cause its hard…
It feels like forever ago I started this journey but now it seems like all I do is spin my wheels and stay stuck in the same place. About 8 years ago I started losing weight I was about 314 and slowly I lost 120 pounds which I felt wonderful and very accomplished for. But once I got to the 190's years back I've been…