howdy howdy! 29 year old mother/gamer/otaku!

you know for all the time i've had a profile on this sight i never really came around the message boards at all and maybe that's whats been my down fall in staying consistent on this site. i mean after all if i was more social maybe i would want to be on here more? either way i've just always found it hard cause its hard to find people with common interest normally that i feel like i can bond with. but i'm going to give it a real try this time!

My name is mandy, i am from georgia, i have been married for soon to be 11 years this november and i have two beautiful daughters one is 9 years old the other is 3. i named them Drucilla and Darla and if you know where those names come from then your awesome ;) i am a huge anime fan and a gamer as well though i admit i don't get to play as much as i used to but i still very much enjoy it.
I began losing weight a long time ago. almost 8 years i want to say. i was 315 pounds and very very very depressed. one day i just realized how much my body was hurting from carrying it all around at such a young age and even worse i began to realize i was cutting myself out of my kids life because i avoided being in any pictures what so ever and it broke my heart cause i used to always love to be in pictures, i would take dozens during every major event but suddenly i stopped wanting to be in them because seeing the pictures of what i really looked like was just too painful and it was harder to deny i had a problem when the proof was on film. so slowly i began to chisel away at the pounds and it took a few years but i lost 115 of it but ever since then with my goal only about 50 pounds away i just can't seem to get it together and make the final stretch. which to be honest pisses me off! lol i mean to go from such a huge journey only to have the finish line in sight and just not make it, well there is just no since in it! i can't lie i told myself alot to make myself feel better i didn't need to make it there cause i'd already come so far. but to quit now would just make me feel like all that effort of the past would just be written off and forgotten and i don't want to forget about it. i don't want to let myself be okay with not finishing. so i am here for keeps and it might take longer then i want but i am going to find a way to make it! ^_^

by the way i made a group for anime fans just in case there are any more out there. it's called Chubby Otaku's and i would love for any one who feels up for it to come and chatter away with me about anime if they like :)