I was just wondering what people's breakdowns are of their calories per day? I am trying to figure out which meals should have more calories and which ones less.
I know that this program gives you an exercise goal of calories burned per week. Say you wanted to go far over that? Factoring in things like not over exerting yourself, does anyone have any kind of idea how much exercise would make a person want to just overeat as a reward mechanism, overcompensation for hunger, or not…
I was discussing this with someone and they told me there are two schools of thought regarding how often to weigh yourself. The first is what I go by which is every two weeks. The other school of thought says that you should weigh yourself everyday in order to learn about your natural weight fluctuations and to become more…
I lift weights mostly for strength training, but I noticed that there was a cardiovascular exercise listed for weight lifting. I entered the amount of minutes I expected to lift and it was say 350. Is this overly generous? Is there an amount of calories that should be subtracted for this for a rule of thumb?