Does the fat content in food make you fat? Or is it solely the calories you need to be paying attention to? I've been dieting all day, and then I blew it with 2 packets of crisps and a penguin bar this evening... But MyFitnessPal says I'm still eating too little for my weight loss program? I'm really confused. So my…
Hi guys, I'm Jamie! :) I'm 25 years old, 5'11 and approximately 9st13lbs, with a 28'' waist. My BMI is 19.3 and my BMR is 1657.44, with this in mind, I'd ideally like to be about 9st4lbs, My BMR is 1657.44, meaning this is how many Calories I burn each day without actually doing anything. There are 3,500 calories in every…