Okay so I try to stay on track with my dieting and working out but when I get my period I just fall off the wagon. I start craving high sodium foods and I binge on everything and normally I'm in too much discomfort and pain to workout so I can't burn those calories off. Any advise ?? Thanks in advance
I have like the most non proportioned body ever and I'd feel way more confident if I could lose my muffin top. It's mainly on the sides. I've lost a lot of my stomach weight but the sides won't seem to go away. Advice ??
anything bothering you that you just would like to get off your chest? believe it or not but stress can lead to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain. Use this to get that weight off your shoulders . and feel free to give advice to someone else. No judging. Positive vibes only.
for more than a year I've struggled with an ED and I realized that if I truly want to lose weight and become content with myself I needed to find a healthier way. I was constantly sick and nauseous. And honestly, I didn't lose any weight. I just want a fresh start. I'm ready to embrace my body and start treating it better.…
so I was 170 when I started a week ago and now I'm 158 . I really didn't even change much . Except I did a 45 min workout everyday but I really ate the same . Like 1200 calories a day . I feel like because I lost it so fast Ima get it back just as fast. I think maybe it might of been water weight bc I drink a lot of water…
add me Ajeyah Kennedy Positive vibes only
Im a senior in High School in advance ballet. I'm overweight and I feel like it holds be back while dancing . I'm 5'6 and currently 158 lbs. does anyone else struggle with dancing while being overweight ? It's not necesarily like I can't do it because I'm overweight it more if I need to be more fit and in shape. It will…