Hi everyone, what do you find to be the best sources of Fibre while not containing many calories? Erm... ...I don't think I need elaborate on why I require this information. Let's just say, I am so excited to see your replies I MAY BURST! ;)
I know this has been covered by other threads but I need some help and the threads I saw didn't cover as much as I am asking and I'm hoping for some fresh ideas: We have a celebration coming up and the kids want a take-away as a treat. We don't do it often but when we have in the past I really went crazy and consumed…
Well, here we go again. Another attempt to diet but this time I think it is different, it HAS to be different. I'm 48 years old next month and the half-century mark is looming. Let's face it, if I do it then it has to be now other wise I'll be too old to enjoy it for very long. If not now - WHEN? NEVER!!! I'm 20.5 stones…