Do you eat breakfast foods or just whatever the heck you feel like eating? I go half and half. Today it was breakfasty, Cheerios and eggs. Yesterday, turkey and veggies. Sometimes I feel a bit like I'm cheating at breakfast. Any other breakfast cheaters?
I tried eating all healthy but I don't have the willpower. I tried counting calories but I don't have the patience. What is another way you lost weight? I always try and quit. Need new ideas.
What cookbooks and sites do you use? I want to eat cleaner but I don't know how or where to find out how. I can't cook and I don't like vegetables and all I want to eat is crap food and I want to know how. Everyone says do it and shop the perimeter but shop for what. How do you do it. Helllllp!
What is your best advice on how to get through the first week of a diet? Or the first day?