I was on a vacay for a few weeks and so I got off the diet wagon and gained 9 pounds :( I just went back to eating healthy again, and it sucks to start over lol. Tips to stay focused and motivated?
I'm now doing T25. Debating which to do next, insanity or Bodyshred? Has anyone done either one? If so, your results and thoughts?
I started last week. It's too early for me to tell, but I wanted to see what your thoughts are and results
I finished my first week. It's too early for me to tell, so I wanted to see what your thoughts are on T25.. Results?
Most of you girls are saying it takes 10 pounds on average to drop a pant size.. And I'm over here still wearing the same size and I lost 20 pounds :(
New to the community! Can I get some support? Let's do this