Hope 2024 is going well for everyone :) I just had my appendix out and am looking for some simple meal ideas at around 500 calories. Breakfast lunch and dinner options I’m open to it all :) Thanks x
I have had my Ninja Foodi for about two years now and barely use it. Can anyone recommend some good recipes I can try out while I’m resting at home? Thanks Lianne x
Is anyone else getting back into fitness after a break? Or just starting maybe? I am starting 10,000 steps per day for the next two weeks to get back into the swing of things. If anyone else is doing anything similar I’d be interested in hearing how you are getting on, tips of just general motivation :) x
I’m back on MyFitnessPal after a two year break……and so much has changed on this app!!! Has anyone tried to the new plans? Any tips for making 2024 my most successful year? Feeling a bit nervous this time.
Okay so I am going to be honest. I have failed at looking after myself for the last 8 months. Failed on an epic scale. I don't even drink water anymore until now. After reading an article I'm determined to reach or smash my daily intake....but when researching how much I should be drinking (water not alcohol) I am…