kbholdings Member


  • You are probably right but I don’t want to lose the momentum I had this year. I already lost my Apple Watch and Appendix…..I don’t want to lose my spirit :) :) x
  • Thank you this is great 👍
  • So just a quick update for everyone. I lost my Apple Watch during the week and just waiting for a replacement watch. Iv still been doing my walks but just can’t track my progress. I am going to start carrying some light weight on Monday to see how I get on :) :) hope everyone is having a great weekend x
  • @springlering62 I have a few questions if you don’t mind :) Camino de Santiago? Also when you started walking with the extra weight what did you aim for? Is 10,000 too much to start with do you think? I have actually only just hit under 9000 the last two days and given myself a blister but I’m enjoying the extra exercise x
  • STRAITBUGGIN New year - new streak!!!![/quote] I am not going to let this be a streak this year….this year I’m just going to commit and stick to it :) yesterday I tried to do 10,000 steps just in a walk (not including my daily routine) and it was just too much for the first day. Today I will aim for 10,000 in total and…
  • Stegeem - “They recommend adding 10-20% of your body weight, but most of the people I've seen talking about it recommend starting with a lower weight then adding more weight as you get stronger/fitter. Also, start with a shorter walk.” Okay I will order a weighted vest this week will that be okay? Also what would you…
  • Mtaratoot - well I will hit my 10,000 steps today but I don’t really feel like I have put a lot of work in so maybe I will try putting some extra weight belts on during my walk tomorrow x
  • Thanks Yirara that’s really useful :) il use it tomorrow x
  • Mtaratoot- thanks that’s really useful I will check it out today :) I also had no idea about the daily steps thing being started by a pedometer company 😂😂 I’m just trying to get back into the swing of low impact daily exercise atm. Thanks for your message x
  • Stegeem - how much weight are you adding to your walk? I might give that a go next week as well x
  • Thank you. Realistically over a 30 day period what benefits do people think I will get? I really want to be able to measure it based on the two large bottles of water per day. Thanks again :)