Knee problems
I've lost 17 pounds so far, my starting weight being 320. I know it's harder to do things being this big, but my left knee is giving me horrible issues. I already stopped trying to jog. I was doing squats wrong and I have corrected myself. Is there a way to fix this problem or will it be this way until I'm lighter? It has…
Help!! :(
I was going strong since November, and the past 2 weeks I broke my log in streak and have been binge eating and exhausted constantly from my son not sleeping. I am currently around 1650 alloted calories, but someone suggested it may help with binging if increased to 2000 and ate 6 small meals a day. Does anyone feel like…
Feeling fat
I just completed my 3rd full week on my weight loss journey, and am down 9 pounds. I'm a little baffled thought because I feel bloated. My ring feels super tight and everything. Is this from all the water I have been drinking? I thought water was supposed to flush out salt that makes you bloated?
100+ pounds weight loss buddy
Who out there needs to lose over 100 pounds? Is anyone serious about getting it together and want to check in with a buddy weekly for encouragement and accountability?
Trying to understand deficit
I've been reading through posts trying to get all the motivation I can, and I'm not understanding the food deficit theory. Can someone explain it to me?
Olive oil
How do you count olive oil in your calories when you are cooking for your family? Does everyone still count it?
Weight loss and alcohol
So, I know they just say "no alcohol whatsoever". I guess because it halts your metabolism? I don't know if I'm committed to not drinking ever. I really like some white wine lol. Any advice on this matter, or did everyone just cut it out all together?
Long way to go
Hello! I'm a 26 year old female, who has over 100 pounds to lose. I'm looking to chat with people who are in the same boat as me, or who have some encouragement or motivation to offer. I'm ready to lose weight, because I am starting to get scared about my future. I have a 1 year old son and he is healthy, I need to start…