emilygraves1989 Member


  • My friend did give me stretches for a tight ITS and I've been doing them before workouts. It makes a big difference. I'm really hoping the more in shape I get the less problems I will have. I really don't want to have knee surgery,
  • Thanks so much for the advice. To the first post, I am 26 and weight 302 pounds (down from 320). I had been working out every day prior to knee injury and am trying to get back on track. My son just had surgery a week and a half ago I'm hoping his sleeping pattern returns to normal soon. I do see food planning as being a…
  • He told me I could still use the elliptical I just bought. But it doesn't feel like I should :(
  • Thanks so much for thinking about me and checking in. The doctor recommended a high dose of naproxen, icing twice a day, and total rest for a full week. He wanted me to ease into a second week, start working out again but ice afterwards and continue the naproxen. He also said I have no arch in my foot, so he recommended I…
  • Thanks so much everyone! There's a good chance I may be off work tomorrow due to snow so I may try to get an appointment then. Trust me I am hearing you about getting seen! I have really been enjoying 30 day shred, however I definitely will not be switching out of level 1 for some time. I have modified all the moves I feel…
  • Well yeah, I'm not really excited about running anyways lol I won't miss it. I will get into see someone soon I'm just hoping I don't stall my weight loss.
  • Ok, I will. I was just wondering if other people had experienced this.
  • I didn't know there was beginner shred!! I've been having such a hard time with level 1 30ds.
  • Good grief don't make me nervous lol
  • I had read that 8 eight ounce glasses of water was the intake required for a person of regular BMI and I am obese so the app on my phone calculated it for my weight. Maybe I'll scale back though. Also I didn't know that all fluids count, I thought all other beverages were extra lol hey I'm learning
  • Ok, that makes me feel a little better. I have been alot more physically active the past 3 weeks. That explains it alot better. I've been doing about 2 miles of fast walking a day.
  • No, not like this, that's why I was thinking it had something to do with the water.
  • I haven't attributed it to my cycle because it's been like this the whole 3 weeks. I've been drinking 8 16 oz glasses of water a day, hydro coach on my phone based it on my weight. Maybe I need to cut sodium even further...
  • Feel free to message me to talk!
  • Oh ok I'm understanding now. So when I workout, I'm supposed to make up those calories because the amount I'm already eating is designed for weight loss. That's what I've been most confused about. I have been entering my workouts after I am done eating for the day, and having leftover calories.
  • Thanks guys!
  • Hey I'm Emily and I weigh 320 pounds right now, 15 months post baby. Please add me, I would love to go through this journey with other people.